Learning at LBPS
The rural atmosphere, smaller student numbers and community involvement contribute to a relaxed and friendly learning environment in which students at all levels are able to receive individual attention and in which cross age interaction and leadership qualities are facilitated and develop freely.
Our literacy program is based on research-based teaching and learning approaches, striving to equip our students with the ability to access, analyse, create and enjoy literary texts. Using the Workshop Model, students participate in reading and writing sessions, incorporating mini-lessons, independent reading/writing time, individual and small group conferences with the teacher, as well as a reflection. In 2022, students in the junior classrooms (F-2) participate in 30 minutes of explicit phonics instruction using the InitiaLit framework.
Staff use Essential Assessment to complete pre-tests which assess students so that instruction is differentiated and targeted to the students point of need. Post-tests indicate student growth and teachers set future goals for students to revise and continue working towards. Our school uses the ‘Workshop Model’ which allows for explicit teaching of a new skill or concept, an opportunity to practice the skill independently and have access to targeted support in small groups with the teacher when required. We have a strong focus on families supporting the teaching of Maths. This happens through positive discussions and interactions about numeracy at home – the real-life application of maths that is taught at school.
At LBPS, all students learn Indonesian as part of our weekly LOTE program.
LBPS is a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden School. Each week students have the opportunity to maintain the school’s vegetable garden and orchard, propagate new plants and cook a range of items in our well equipped kitchen area.
Physical Education provides students with the chance to develop their fundamental motor skills, specific skills for different team sports and preparation for inter school sport events.
Students participate in a weekly Visual or Performing Arts program, with many students receiving awards at the Swan Hill Regional Show in October.
We are also serviced weekly by a staffed Mobile Reading van and fortnightly by the Swan Hill Regional Mobile library.
The school offers intervention for students who require it through a tutor program and a range of educational support services including visiting speech pathologists, social workers and psychologists. We offer social, emotional, behavioural education through The Resilience Project, Respectful Relationships and School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports. In 2024, Lake Boga Primary School employed a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader to further support the mental health of the students, staff and parents of Lake Boga. Our Chaplain also is onsite two days per week providing pastoral care and support programs.